The experience of 4Days as part of the TEC4I FVG pathways.

Technological innovation is a key lever for territorial growth and development. TEC4I FVG, strategic player in the regional innovation ecosystem, following an Open Innovation model, fosters the adoption of new technologies and methodologies by companies (Test Before Invest), promoting entrepreneurial culture and supporting high-tech startups, talents and young companies, as well as supporting manufacturing companies in process innovation aimed at proper management and exploitation of data in addition to access to new models of additive manufacturing and fast prototyping. TEC4I FVG operates within the regional innovation system.

About the nature and results of the initiative we talk with Claudia Di Benedetto - Senior project manager TEC4I FVG (D-ATA Digital technologies | F-AST Facilitated finance) and Federico Bravo - Senior Consultant at 4Days - which with Cristiano Di Paolo acted as a consultant in the mentioned paths.

What is TEC4I FVG and what are its goals?

Claudia Di Benedetto: "TEC4I FVG, the new brand of Friuli Innovazione, contributes to the growth of the competitiveness of the territorial economic system, through activities aimed at innovation, support of digitalization, expansion of centers of excellence and the birth of new innovative companies, with a concrete and results-oriented approach.

The goal of TEC4I FVG is to support businesses and young talent in the regionthrough its 4 specialized areas (2 technological: D-ATA Digital Technologies and H-ARP Design and Additive Manufacturing) and 2 methodological: F-AST Facilitated Finance and T-GEN Startups and Innovative Enterprises). The D-ATA technology hub is where we partner with 4Days in bringing data-driven process innovation into the enterprise through effective data management and protection."

What type of companies is the pathway aimed at?

Claudia Di Benedetto: "The main target audience is micro, small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, but the type is diversified by industry and as mentioned company size."

How does recruitment of companies take place?

Claudia Di Benedetto: "The initiative is promoted through our communication channels therefore mainly through the website and social media, as well as by resorting to the support of "collectors," i.e., actors in the area with whom we collaborate (e.g., representatives of the business world, such as Confindustria Udine, one of the main partners of TEC4I FVG, regional clusters, other Innovation Poles, etc.), who are also part of the innovation ecosystem of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

We aim to make companies aware of the opportunity, first collecting their expressions of interest and finally verifying their requirements for access to the digitization support pathway. Over the past five years, we have involved about ten companies a year, thanks to the support of regional funding aimed at companies (under state aid) that supports the provision of such pathways ... Choosing the most competent partners to accompany us in the interventions."

The collaboration with 4Days is now multi-year...

Claudia Di Benedetto: "We started collaborating with 4Days in 2022, drawing from it a very positive experience. Coming from the corporate world before devoting oneself to consulting shines through and is transferred in the concreteness and pragmatism of the approach."

Going into the service offered, what does it take the form of?

Claudia Di Benedetto: "The path begins with an Assessment Assessment in the company to check the level of maturity from the point of view of the use of digital technologies. We then focus with the company on a topic of specific interest on which to trigger a more vertical technical investigation aimed at defining and initiating a priority digital development and transformation project for the company. The so-called "Digital Yard" just by way of example may concern: the introduction of a new business management system, the creation of a Business Intelligence system as a tool for controlling company orders or for monitoring the factory (Manufacturing Analytics), the improvement of the company's integrated logistics process or the launch of a new CRM.

How the assessment is then articulatedAssessment in the company?

Federico Bravo: "For several years as 4Days in collaboration with TEC4I FVG we have been conducting interventions of Assessment della Digital readiness according to a scheme developed by the Politecnico di Milano (Test Industry 4.0 Digital Readiness) that maps macro-processes (Design and Engineering, Production, Quality, Maintenance, Logistics, Supply Chain, Smart Product, and Human Resources) on four dimensions (monitoring, control, technology, execution, and organization). After this start-up phase and initial feedback, we identify opportunities for development, adoption of new tools or input on processes for improvement. Up to the point of initiating the "Digital construction site," a targeted intervention on an area of interest of the company, which is often completed in a few days.

What are the types of projects developed, any examples?

Federico Bravo: "Companies are very diverse, therefore so are the projects and results. For the company Emmebi Srl-which makes plants for handling aluminum profiles-for example, we mapped processes to define a new information system. In another case, we developed modules for a quality and nonconformity management platform, while for IZC Nuove Costruzioni Srl we set up the PoC of a control dashboard for company orders using Microsoft's Power BI tool. These interventions, while small, open new perspectives and raise awareness of relevant issues. In fact, our consulting can cover practical aspects as much as strategic and ICT governance areas."

What is the approach used in developing each intervention?

Federico Bravo: We always try to provide a concrete perspective and insight useful, not just making generic recommendations. We work alongside realities that often do not have in-house IT and therefore benefit from being able to have senior support with whom they can think about digital issues. Of course, digital is always declined in readiness, connectivity, intelligence, words that conceal aspects that are actually very practical."

Has your intervention generated significant changes in participating companies?

Claudia Di Benedetto: “Stiamo attivando un piano di follow up più strutturato, ad ogni modo con alcune aziende che hanno aderito al percorso abbiamo contatti anche per interventi che svolgiamo sugli altri hub e la percezione è che le progettualità definite insieme siano andate avanti e che le tecnologie individuate in diversi casi siano state acquisite e implementate anche grazie al sostegno di bandi regionali per investimenti ICT a supporto della trasformazione digitale delle imprese.”

Are there any ongoing activities in 2024?

Federico Bravo: “Nel corso del 2024 con alcune aziende si sono poi avviati ulteriori step, chiaro segno della soddisfazione di quanto condiviso. Per noi significa aver centrato l’obiettivo più alto, quello di stimolare il desiderio d’innovazione in aziende spesso travolte dall’operatività. Portando risultati concreti e indicando una chiara prospettiva di crescita.”
