Birth of 4ma-mentis, the new training offer from 4Days4 Days2022-05-18T15:44:37+02:006 May 2022|Tags: 4Days, Formazione|
4Days celebrates its first year, all in growth4 Days2022-05-18T15:37:45+02:0030 March 2022|Tags: Anniversario, Partnership|
Mauro Sarti as new head of training4 Days2022-05-27T10:27:19+02:0016 March 2022|Tags: Formazione, Mauro Sarti|
4 Days and ComPa FVG strengthen the collaboration for public administration innovation4 Days2022-03-08T11:48:14+01:007 December 2021|Tags: Formazione BIM, Innovazione PA, Smart Cities, Trasformazione digitale|
BIM e Project Management: 4Days al Master BIM dell’Università di Udine4 Days2022-05-18T15:39:59+02:008 September 2021|Tags: Building Information Modeling, Master BIM, Project Management, Università di Udine|