On the phone he could answer in any of the four languages with which he routinely operates in his work. Franco Coglot, an Italian by birth but with Slovenian roots, with a background in economics, has in fact always had an international footprint intertwined with his work, both as an entrepreneur and business consultant, in more than 30 years of activity spent in the service of small and medium-sized enterprises..

From administrative manager of a small Italian company in the field of food distribution to increasingly transversal assignments in a multinational operating in 12 Eastern countries, Franco's profile has gradually refined into a strategic ability, that of opening new markets. An activity he now carries out from his company EBS consulting based in Solkan in Slovenija, which gives him the opportunity to enjoy a special perspective from which to follow and support Italian entrepreneurship.

As of May 2022, Franco Coglot joins the 4Days team as coordinator of Business Development processes at national and international level of a strategic project for 4Days, based on a BIM platform.

  • What is one phrase that inspires you and in which you recognize yourself?
    Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right (Henry Ford).
  • Your job title reads "senior manager." If you had to put it in other words, what would you use?
    Having had a lot of experience in the field in various positions and in different companiesallows me to be able to transfer a broad and well-rounded view of managerial activity, always contributing an extra insight into how one can improve.
  • What led you to 4Days?
    A very innovative project that will be launched on a large scale in September, and the human approach with which it is managed, meant that I had no hesitation about the decision to join the team.
  • What did you bring in your "backpack" and what did you leave behind instead?
    All the expertise I have acquired throughout my working life and the enthusiasm I have always put into it. I left behind pre-packaged schemes.
  • In your way of working the obligatory word is ...
    Trust. In order to be able to collaborate, it is essential.
  • How do you love to start and end your working day?
    I discovered the Miracle Morning method a couple of years ago and -in my own way- I am applying it. I start the morning by taking a brisk walk and this gives me the right approach to face the day. In the evening, on the other hand, it is always nice to end the day with a good book.
  • What is your special project at 4Days?
    Basically, it is already 4Days special so my task is to develop this project while keeping such unique characteristics.
  • What do you love to do on “Day 5”?
    Spending quality time with my son and friends. In the summer, going to the beach for as long as possible.