Large and small companies -in Italy as well as internationally- have adopted Working from home during the pandemic, a method that has not only been appreciated by workers but has certainly brought innovation in the way of working, without loss of efficiency.What has this experience meant for companies, and what horizons does it open up for the post-pandemic future?

Digital Goal, a program promoted by Udinese TV Nord Est Servizi of Eurosystem Group, has dedicated to the topic the episode "Designing telecomuting", in order to understand the prospects of a working practice so widespread in the period of pandemic, which has allowed to guarantee continuity to many working activities.

Around the stimuli and the microphone of Francesco Pezzella discussed in order of intervention Mauro Sarti, head of training AcademIT - Eurosystem group, Marco Lotti, senior consultant 4 Days, Matteo Parisi, administrative director Francesco Parisi SPA.

Find out more, listen to the episode of Digital Goal