Training is closely linked to 4Days and to the professionals who are part of it, a competence and service that is in great demand, both by public and private stakeholders.

Since May, each path meets under a new hat: thus was born 4ma-mentis, the new area dedicated specifically to training..

To tell us more about the offer, Mauro Sarti -responsible for the training proposal of 4Days- Alessandra Commisso –consultant 4Days- always engaged in the design and coordination of training activities.

4mamentis, a name to represent what evolution?

AC "Mauro's entry in our team has given further depth to our competences thanks to his wide experience in the organization of training academies. It was natural to decide to give a new name and shape to the training activity, as the first step of a project to expand our proposal. Necessity also originated from the desire to respond to the growing demand for training that expresses the territory, both on traditional issues of strategy and business organization and on new issues triggered by the digital transformation. Thus was born 4ma-mentis which retains in its name the explicit reference to our 4Days identity and the type of training in which we recognize ourselves: not a simple technical-notational learning but a path that can trigger awareness, change, new approaches and visions, in people as in organizations. A new course that will also expand partnerships to channel our training capacity, putting the skills of 4Days in the catalog."

What are the themes on which the 4ma-mentis offer will insist?

MS " Our formative activity is specular to the consulting fields of 4Days. In this first year we have developed an intense activity inherent to BIM, a strategic competence of 4Days, with an exponential growth in demand. Together with the main themes that enhance the different managerial skills of the professionals who make up the team. Starting from information technology, approached on high themes of strategy, or from what concerns the supply chain, such as business control and purchasing management. The themes, in other words, on which we have experience and capacity to offer."

Beyond the areas, what is unique about 4Days training?

MS "The training we provide has, first and foremost, a deeply pragmatic purpose and nature, offering tools that can immediately enrich professionalism and guide behavior, conducted by teachers with deep managerial and consulting experience who experience the methodologies we propose as a reference in their daily lives.

We are close to universities and business schools that offer valuable training courses. In addition, we design streamlined training paths defined ad hoc for our clients' organizations, combining the theoretical part with the care and involvement of each participant, in order to ensure the effective development of the person and his or her professional environment."

Who is the main recipient of your courses?

AC "Our reference is first and foremost managers and operational managers (from General Management to the management areas of Organization, Information Technology, Management Control, Supply Chain and Procurement), sometimes extending the courses to entrepreneurs themselves. These are specific courses aimed at those who want to deepen and refine their professionalism or deal with different approaches."

As far as teaching is concerned, are 4Days courses in-person or online?

MS "All our courses include both classroom training - so in presence - and online training. We can provide and mix both modalities according to the needs of our partners. We usually offer our partners training modules that are adapted to the need and context, both in terms of content and methods. If requested, we can build content based on the target audience and the partner."

What are the partners on the ground?

MS "4Days has created strategic and established partnerships with several entities: ComPA, for training towards PA, the University of Udine on the topic of BIM, AccademIT, Consorzio Friuli Formazione, the Order of Engineers of Venice. A recent partnership is the one signed with DITEDI, digital technology district of Tavagnacco. Shortly a path with Confapi (project management and optimization of processes and management control) and to follow a path for Unisef, the company that deals with bringing training to the industrial association Treviso-Pordenone (project management and review of processes). But collaborations with Cuoa for training on BIM are also being defined."

The first appointment with 4ma-mentis?

MS “ Soon, from May 17 to 20, Cristiano Di Paolo will hold the IT SMART PROJECT MANAGEMENT course to learn more about methods and knowledge to give quality to IT projectsorganized with DITEDI. But this is only the first appointment of a calendar already full of proposals that can only be enriched with opportunities during the year."