Born in Trieste, with two national rowing championships won in his youth, Mauro Sartihas preserved much of the challenging commitment of sport in his professional career. After a start in IBM and a parenthesis in CIESSE, in 1994 he arrived at Nord Est Servizi Nord Est Servizi always IT services and solutions - where he combines a technical and commercial profile with that of a trainer in an increasingly structured waySince the merger of the company with Eurosystem, he became responsible for the AcademIT AcademIT project. A passion for training, sees him practicing and being a trainer also in the field of life skills to improve awareness and personal effectiveness in life and the profession. All these paths have in common a constant constant drive for self-improvement, knowledge as a lever of change and to do better, with and thanks to others,an approach of which Mauro is a positive promoter. From February 2022 Mauro Sarti joins 4Days as Training Projects Manager..

8 questions to get to know him better.

  • What is one phrase that inspires you and in which you recognize yourself?
    The higher he climbs, the farther he sees. The farther he sees, the longer he dreams. Walter Bonatti

  • Your job title reads "trainer." If you had to say it in other words, which ones would you use?
    If we talk about training, the approach is twofold, organizational and direct. Regarding the former, I plan and manage training courses. Regarding the second I accompany people who want to improve the quality of their lives.

  • What led you to 4Days?
    The pleasure of confronting a new professional challenge in which to "have fun" together with a group of people that I respect and appreciate humanly, reflecting values such as respect, honesty, and effectiveness, seasoned by an informal and friendly approach.

  • What did you bring with you and what did you leave behind?
    I bring with me almost 40 years of professional and human experience, i.e. relationship skills and customer management, commercial approach, planning, and management of training topics. I have left behind the search for "numbers" as an end in themselves and the depersonalization of relationships in business contexts.
  • In your way of working the obligatory word is ...
    Balance. Meaning a balanced relationship between work needs and personal well-being.
  • How do you love to start and end your working day?
    When time allows, When time allows, I like to start with a sporting activity (rowing) that allows me to live the day with more energy and mental clarity, also carving out a space for meditation.
  • What is your special project at 4Days?
    To develop and expand the training proposal, an area that I believe is fundamental to advance professionals and companies, so that it becomes an element of real value and distinction in the market.
  • What do you love to do on “Day 5”?
    Living with my family, friends and cultivating my main passions; training, rowing as a master athlete, living the mountains both in summer and winter through, hiking, climbing, and skiing. Also finding room for reading and movies.