With Eurosystem to increase the training offer of AcademIT4 Days2022-03-08T16:19:59+01:0014 May 2021|Tags: Corsi di alta formazione, Cultura digitale, IT Management, Smart working|
WebRatio e 4Days, una complementarietà al servizio del network comune4 Days2022-05-18T15:40:52+02:0024 April 2021|Tags: Rapid Application Developement, Software development, Software factory, System Integration|
Working from home, an opportunity? Marco Lotti and Marco Sarti talk about it at Digital Goal4 Days2022-03-08T11:52:06+01:0016 April 2021|Tags: Corsi di alta formazione, Smart working|
4Days: Less is Moreadmin2022-03-08T11:47:38+01:001 March 2021|Tags: 4Days, Consulenza Direzionale, Less is More|