It was an audience of grand occasions that gathered around the 4Days team to toast a special step: the formal launch of Truspace. An event that, far from celebratory intentions, had rather the character of good wishes and good omen toward an adventure that is now ready to officially confront the markets.

At the gathering, all the stakeholders who in different forms have contributed to the ambitious innovation project, matured through a long incubation phase thanks to contributions from partners, institutions and customers, without whom it would not have been possible to lay the foundations for such a far-reaching project.

The backdrop was the extraordinary setting of the Dacia Arena Stadium of Udine, a place of great inspiration and beauty, which gave a special character and atmosphere to the event. Not a random choice, since the setting is home to a major digitization project.

A feeling of heartfelt gratitude greeted those present and the partners who have supported the development of Truspace, all realities with a national and international profile. A wide and varied cross-section: from local entities such as Confindustria, Insiel,, Friuli Innovazione, theUniversity in Udine - also participating with its own digital technologies laboratory; to a rich network of technological partners such as Webratio, Bim0 and Wescan or technicians such as Webratio, Bim0 and Wescan or legal as Studio VBS. Up to Imille Up to Imille, which took care of its identity and communication , and Studio Tessari , which supported the event. In addition to the fifty client companies present (we recall them below), from different sectors: from design to large constructions, or industrial realities that look at management and real estate in an innovative way.

Alongside Marco Lotti and Emilio Ziraldo of 4Days who did the honors and opened the parenthesis of testimonials was Alberto Rigotto -CFO Udinese Calcio-Alberto Rigotto -CFO Udinese Calcio-, in the triple role of guest partner and client and in the spirit of "affinity of vision." Sergio Milanese Sergio Milanese -investment director of Friulia- took the opportunity to give official news of Friulia's capital entry, a transaction finalized with the support of PRO CROWD'S, which will drive the project in the months to come. Special guest of the evening Carlo Valsecchi artist and photographer of international fame- whose presence gave a reflection of how art and beauty are themes embodied also in projects of a technical or technological nature, often the object of his own artistic research. Among the testimonies, one could not miss that of Ennio Picco -technical director of Cimolai, a client and strategic stakeholder, the first to bet on Truspace's ability to be able to achieve its goals, already at the prototype stage.

The gift was chosen as a metaphor for the launch gesture, an auspicious gesture towards the future, towards innovation, towards young people. Gift concretely witnessed by the donation of 4Days and Cimolai, together, in the hands of Professor Alberto Sdegno - dean of Master BIM of theUniversity of Udine- of some scholarships for the Master's program he presides over.

An official debut in full swing, the start of a new phase in which the broader dialogue with the market begins without presumption but with the awareness of the path taken. And which now sees the entire 4Days team welcome the challenge with serenity, with the energy needed to sustain this responsibility.

"Commitment and responsibility. We wanted to reaffirm it- comments Marco Lotti as spokesperson for 4Days- alongside the more than 50 companies that through their participation have testified to our commitment and transparency in the path taken to date. Which will not fail. It was exciting to renew this promise with that parterre of actors, with that climate. It was a first for us and that is perhaps why we welcomed with some emotion the positive and flattering feedback we received. Thanks also to the 4Days team, who did not spare themselves on this occasion, we all experienced a moment together that we will remember. At the end of the evening, only one regret remained: that of not being able to proceed with a liberating pitch invasion. But for this, we are confident that we will be able to convince the inflexible organization- to which our thanks go- by our 10-year anniversary! "! ”

Live a few moments of the event, watch the video:

They toasted with 4Days:

Archest – Arket – Automation solutions – Autovie Venete – BimO – The Business Game – Centro Friuli – Gruppo Cimolai – ACPV Architects – CompaFVG – Confapi FVG – Confidustria – C&P Partners – CPL Concordia – Dimensione Mobili – Ditedi – Eurosystem – Gruppo Frappa – Friulia – Friuli Innovazione – Giovanni Vignuda Automazioni – Golden Gas Consulting – Gruppo Cividale – GSA – I.A.B.I – I.CO.P – I MILLE – C&F Partners – Insiel – IQT Consulting – Miko – MIT – M.M Grigliati – Moroso – MV Labs – Nord pas 14000 – Nubess – Philip Morris – Pro Crowd’s – Gruppo Pittini – SACEE – SGF Elite – Snaidero – Solari – Square Solutions – Tre digital – STI Engineering – Studio Bertoia Engineering – Studio Tessari Associati – Studio legale VBS – Udinese Calcio – Università di Udine – Urbana Smart – Veneto acque – Veritas – WebRatio